Custody… What Happens if You Violate a Parenting Plan in Illinois? 12 Aug 2022March 7, 2023 Divorces, and the accompanying disputes about parenting time and allocation of parental responsibilities, are exhausting and can cause a parent to violate a parenting plan. Unfortunately for some parents in…
Custody… What Should We Include in Our Illinois Parenting Plan? 15 Jul 2022March 7, 2023 Making arrangements for your children during a divorce is a difficult process. It requires the understanding that, no matter what disagreements you have with your spouse, your children need both…
Custody… What Is Parental Responsibilities and Parenting Time? 24 Jan 2022March 7, 2023 Couples with children in Illinois who are separating or getting divorced will need to create a shared parenting plan to address issues related to the children. This plan is separated…
Custody… Parenting Time During Military Deployment 13 Jan 2022March 7, 2023 Divorced American military families face unique challenges when navigating issues regarding parenting responsibilities and parenting time. Arranging for the care of a child during deployment, ensuring the child can visit…
Custody… Which Family Law Issues Can Be Resolved Through Mediation? 11 Jan 2022March 7, 2023 If you are preparing for a divorce, you may be familiar with the resolution method of mediation. This option is desirable for many divorcing couples, as it allows them to…
Custody… When Can I Change the Terms of My Illinois Parenting Plan? 10 Jan 2022March 7, 2023 When Illinois parents divorce, they are asked to create a “parenting plan” describing parental responsibilities and parenting time and submit it to the court. If the parents disagree about the…
Custody… Do Stay-At-Home Parents Get More Parenting Time in Illinois? 29 Nov 2021March 7, 2023 A divorce can be a very difficult experience for a stay-at-home parent. If you dedicate the majority of your time to caring for your children and the family home, the…